
Contributing members
AT, BE, CY, CZ, EE, ES, DE, FI, FR, EL, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, European Peace Facility, EUCAP SAHEL Niger, EUCAP SAHEL Mali, EUAM Ukraine, EUCAP Somalia, EUMM Georgia, EUAM Iraq, EUBAM Libya, EUPOL COPPS, EUAM RCA, EUM Armenia, FRONTEX and EEAS.


Satellite communications (SatCom) as well as Communication and Information System services (CIS) are fundamental for Communication, Command and Control in military operations. It enables EU Commanders to connect forces in remote areas with HQs and capitals and to manage the forces missions and tasks.

The EU SatCom Market has, since the project started in 2012, provided an efficient option to source commercially available SatCom services and from 2017 CIS services are also added to the whole portfolio of services offered to its members.


  • Provide a cost effective commercial SatCom and CIS solutions for members
  • Reduce costs, ease access, and improve operational efficiency for members

In 2009, the EDA launched the European Satellite Communications Procurement Cell project which was renamed to EU SatCom Market in 2014. The project’s aim is to pool and share commercial satellite communications services as well as wider Communication and Information Systems (CIS) services.

By pooling the demand, the project efficiently and effectively provides commercially available SatCom and CIS services to the members, contributing to the overall operational efficiency. The project constitutes an efficient pay-per-use solution that does not impose any binding financial commitments beyond services requested. It is quick and flexible, reducing the administrative burden for members who do not have to run their own bidding processes since they can rely on EDA framework contracts.

On behalf of the contributing members the EDA administers the project and manages framework contracts, services requests, invoicing etc.. Through this the EDA brings a clear added value, both to contributing members and the EU defence. In summary the EDA role and activities include:

  • managing the overall project;
  • managing the set up and execution of FWCs;
  • supporting and advising CMs when defining the technical requirements;
  • creating synergies between civilian and military uses of secure satellite communication and CIS services;
  • managing an ad hoc budget to fund the services;
  • managing the invoicing and payments.

For further details see the project’s factsheet.