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EATT13: High Satisfaction among Participants

EATT13 received outstanding testimony from its 350 participants. 65% participated in an evaluation survey and 99% of them stated that they would recommend participation in next year’s EATT to their colleagues; 96% found the flying event valuable for them. On a scale from 1 (negative) to 5 (positive), overall rating of EATT13 was at 3,9 which shows high satisfaction regarding the event.

In total, EATT13 included 350 aircrew and ground personnel from eight nations on twelve aircraft. During the two weeks training period, 112 sorties in increasing complexity were carried out. Due to bad weather and technical malfunctions, this number stays below the planned 143 sorties but well above the 98 from EATT12. 435 paratroopers were dropped and all static line and bundle drops were executed. Most importantly, almost all training requirements were met with a very high success ratio.

For 2014, two events are planned for which already potentially 16 participating nations indicated interest in participating. “EATT was an extremely successful flying event. We were able to provide the necessary framework to allow nations to fulfill their training requirements. Congratulations to all of you and see you in 2014”, said Laurent Donnet, EDA Assistant Capability Manager Manœuvre and Deputy Exercise Director at the closing of EATT13.


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