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Interoperability of Camp Protection Systems

With the finalisation of EDA’s three year project on the Future Interoperability of Camp Protection Systems (FICAPS), France and Germany agreed on common interoperability guidelines for existing and future camp protection systems (CPS). An increasing number of military personnel is involved in CSDP Operations and their protection is paramount for the successful outcome of these missions.

Launched in 2009, FICAPS enables real-time information exchange between CPS of different nations (also via SatCom); interoperability of CPS equipment to allow easy and quick replacement of equipment (plug-and-play); multinational use of national systems due to a multilingual human machine interface and the enhancement of CPS capabilities by adding new equipment.

Germany and France jointly launched and financed this project that was contracted to Rheinmetall D&E (Germany)and Thales TDA (France).

The common guidelines can serve as the basis for future procurement as well as possible European or international standards.