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Third Defence Energy Management course launched

EDA has launched this week another Defence Energy Managers Course (DEMC), already the third since its creation in January 2017. The courses aim at increasing energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption in the military domain through the application of defence-specific Energy Management Systems (EnMSs) based on the ISO 50001 standard.  

The course which started this week (and will last until May 2020) will provide participants from 8 Member States (Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Sweden) with both theoretical knowledge and practical guidance for using defence-specific and tailor-made Energy Management Systems.

It is split into three modules (10 days in total) alternating with two periods of mentoring and on-the-job training (11 months in total). The course builds on the success of the pilot course and the two first (still ongoing) DEMC editions.