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Single European Sky partners team up for ICAO Symposia

From 11-15 December 2017, ICAO organised two air navigation events bringing together global partners from the aviation industry, air navigation service providers and States. 

The first event, Second Global Air Navigation Industry Symposium (GANIS/2), provided a platform for global and regional industry partners to share their latest developments, thus identifying commonalities/differences between the systems to ensure interoperability and facilitating the harmonisation of air navigation systems. While the second event, the First Safety and Air Navigation Implementation Symposium (SANIS/1), showcased the Safety and Air Navigation implementation strategies with ICAO’s Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) and Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) as complimentary global plans and thereby drivers for performance improvements and promoted collaboration amongst all stakeholders.

The Single European Sky (SES) partners (the European Commission, Eurocontrol through the European Network Manager, European Aviation Safety Agency, European Defence Agency and EUROCAE as the European leader on industry standards in aviation, as well as the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) and the SESAR Deployment Manager (SESAR DM)) joined forces at the event with interventions in the conference focusing on key areas of SES/SESAR relevant to the ICAO vision, as well as a joint SES/SESAR exhibition stand which showcased how Europe is working together in a harmonised way to modernise our European Skies. 

A number of SES representatives and SESAR members participated in the conference sessions and discussions, promoting the central role of SESAR and EU industry in driving forward ATM modernisation in the context of the EU aviation strategy. Christophe Vivier, Head of the European Defence Agency’s SES/SESAR Unit, participated in different sessions on civil-military cooperation, including on RPAS integration and interoperability. The event also served as a platform to emphasise the need for global harmonisation and interoperability and helped to demonstrate the synergies of the European ATM Master Plan with the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP).

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