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FAS4Europe: study finalised

Almost 30 industrial entities, representing a significant proportion of Europe’s military aviation industry, have completed a 12 month study under the leadership of SAAB. The study is aimed at helping maintain Europe’s ability to independently provide competitive Future Air Systems (FAS) to meet future military capability requirements.


The study highlights the need for action to safeguard the future of Europe’s aeronautic defence industrial base. This industrial base, providing a European option for state of the art air systems, is one of the determining factors for European operational sovereignty and effective defence capabilities. It is also a high-tech sector that brings important benefits to the wider commercial economy. The study provides EDA Member States with a roadmap and implementation plan to develop a more robust, sustainable and globally competitive European Military Aeronautic Industry.

Amongst other things it identifies key measures to be taken to strengthen the industry, comprising priority programmes in the UAS and helicopter areas, including work on e.g. advanced concepts, survivability, optimisation of through life cost, environmental aspects, process development as well as supporting initiatives, as part of a step by step plan to maintain European options in military aviation.

The study represents an important step in fulfilling the Agency’s task, given by Defence Ministers, of identifying those key industrial capabilities to preserve or to develop in Europe.

Member States are now considering the study results and EDA will start work on how to bring them forward.

The Executive Summary is available here.