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EDA Turns to Rainer Schuwirth to Lead Effort on Network Enabled Capability

The European Defence Agency has contracted Rainer Schuwirth, a retired German Army General to produce a draft concept for the European Union to exploit Network Enabled Capabilities (NEC) in support of crisis-management operations.

Before his retirement, General Schuwirth’s final tour in NATO was as Chief of Staff at SHAPE. He previously held the position of Director General of the EU Military Staff.
The EDA Steering Board agreed on 28 June to appoint a “Wise Pen” to lead the initial effort on NEC, which ministers consider to be fundamental for such operations in the “information” age, as opposed to the “industrial” age.

Solana paid tribute to Pierre Hougardy, who returns to the Belgian Armed Forces after three years as the Agency’s first Capabilities Director.

General Schuwirth will have support from a reference group drawn from the EDA, the EU Military Staff and Military Committee and the Council. He has been asked to deliver within six months his draft Concept and recommendations on how to proceed.