The participating Member States’ aim is to collaboratively develop a coherent full spectrum force package and make the capabilities available to the following Member States for national and multinational (EU CSDP, NATO, UN, etc.) missions and operations: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden. 

EDA is part of the PESCO secretariat (together with the European External Action Service, including the EUMS) which serves as a platform where PESCO participating Member States nations can identify, assess and consolidate possible projects to make sure they respond to capability gaps and priorities identified in the CDP.  

EDA also facilitates and supports the PESCO project implementation, at the request of Member States, and ensures there is no duplication of efforts, including with NATO.  

Furthermore, it plays a leading role in the annual assessment of PESCO nations’ contributions and respect of the binding commitments. 

PESCO projects are eligible for co-funding from the EU’s budget – through the European Defence Fund (EDF) which serves as an incentive for cooperation.