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5th joint workshop on R&D on Unmanned Aerial Systems hosted by EDA

The European Defence Agency and the European Commission co-organised a workshop on Research and Development on Unmanned Aerial Systems, on Friday 9 February, in the Royal Military Academy (Brussels).

The workshop was the fifth and latest in a series of five workshops run by the European Commission (DG Enterprise and DG MOVE)  to discuss a variety of issues related to UAS and to establish the need for a strategy on UAS in Europe. The workshop attracted 230 delegates.

The conference was opened with statements by the Chief Executive of the EDA, Mr Peltomaki, of the European Commission’s Department for enterprises, and Mr Baldwin, of the European Commission’s department for Transport (DG MOVE). They supported the current and future research aspects for UAS.

The workshop addressed the current UAS applications, ongoing research activities whether funded by the Commission, ESA, EDA or national agencies, and technology gaps. The discussion made clear that technology and regulation need to go hand in hand, and that the fragmented nature of the research efforts needs to be addressed.

The day ended with a roundtable chaired by Mr Calleja, the Director-General of the European Commission Enterprise department (DG ENTR). Industry, ESA, EDA, SESAR/JU and European Commission representatives agreed that more needs to be done, and preferably in a coordinated way, if Europe wants to develop civil and military UAS capacity.


The presentations given during the workshop are available here below:

Introduction - presentation 2 -Alfredo Roma

Session 1 - presentation 2 - Frontex -Zdravko Kolev

Session 1 - presentation 3 - Presentacion UAS Bruselas-Jesus Borjas

Session 1 - presentation 4 - Integra - Gilles Fartek

Session 2 - presentation 1 - RandT UAS in FP7_EC Perez-Vu Duc-Salieri

Session 2 - presentation 2 - ESA activities on UAS_Rita Rinaldo

Session 2 - presentation 3 - CDTI_EDA-EC- Julio Dolado Tremul

Session 2 - presentation 4 - ASD - State of the Art-Massimo Avalle

Session 2 - presentation 5 - UAS_RD_WS_EDA_approach_to_ATI- Giampaolo Lillo

Session 3 - presentation 1 - E4U - Claude Le Tallec

Session 3 - presentation 2 - ASD_Technology Gaps_V2.5_ Dominique Bertrand

Session 3 - presentation 3 - EASA perspective Werner Kleine Beek